How to maximize your Twitter outreach for social selling

How to maximize your Twitter outreach for social selling

By Ready For Social | Jul 8, 2022

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With over 330 million monthly active users, Twitter is a giant pool of potential clients and customers waiting for you to cast your net. And there’s a reason why everyone from large corporations to small businesses has had so much success in social selling on Twitter: When you optimize all the tools of the Twitterverse, you unleash the platform’s full marketing and selling potential. 

But what tools are there to optimize? And how can you maximize your Twitter outreach with them? We have some answers for you below. 

Why every business needs Twitter 

Look at it this way: Twitter is an entirely free and easy-to-use tool that fits perfectly into your marketing toolbelt. Unlike other forms of advertising, in the Twittersphere, you can easily connect, interact and engage with your customer base. It’s a surefire way to collect feedback cost-free and a fantastic way to keep customers interested in your company long-term. 

The first step in utilizing Twitter for your business is to optimize it for social selling. A few things stand out to your customer before you’ve ever interacted with them, and you need to ensure that you are getting things right to make a great first impression. 

1. Make sure your images pop. 

Your visuals are the first thing that will jump out to your potential customers – specifically your profile and header image. It’s standard for brand consistency to make your profile picture your logo, as it easily identifies you. You have more room to play when it comes to your header image.  

Feel free to change things and have a monthly rotating header. It’s a space where you can prominently display any promotions, specials, campaigns, etc., that you have going on in your business. Still, your image should reflect your brand personality.  

Canva is a great free resource to create graphics if you don’t have a graphic designer to help with this. A tool like Canva also enables you to ensure your graphics are the correct sizing for both the profile and header image.  

No matter what image you upload for your header and profile image, make sure the title of the image you upload has a relevant keyword for your business. This little detail will increase your appearance in image searches. 

2. Optimize your biography to appeal to your customer. 

Speaking of keywords, there’s another top spot to add those in: And that’s your Twitter biography. This is your social media elevator pitch, so make yourself irresistible to your desired audience and stand out in a way that is true to your brand. You have 160 characters to be engaging and benefit-driven, so use relevant hashtags and keywords to optimize your social selling on the platform. 

3. Utilize pinned tweets. 

Another spot on the Twitter profile that gets many views is the pinned tweet area. Twitter allows users to pin one tweet to the top of their profile. This is another space where you can focus on whatever you are looking to promote at the moment. Utilize this space. It’s basically your free advertising slot on the platform. 

4. Direct potential customers with trackable links. 

As you already see, there is a way to direct Twitter users to what you want them to see and hear. Another trick that helps your social selling approach is a trackable link in your profile. Twitter gives users a space for one URL, so use it wisely. You want users to get where they need to be in order to convert them into customers. 

5. Tweet, tweet, tweet! 

Now it’s time to spread the word. Luckily, that’s simple. Just do what the platform was created for and tweet! The more you put your message out, the more eyes will receive it. Currently, the optimal number of tweets or retweets per day is 15. But just with everything in social media, this number is not a constant. As a rule of thumb, keep quality over quantity, but keep those thumbs busy on the keyboard to entice your future customers. 

6. Social selling is a conversation. 

Twitter interactions should never be one-way. What you put in is what you get out, and the more you engage with others, the more they’ll engage back with you. Make sure to take the time to reach out to build meaningful, genuine connections, and don’t forget to turn from tweets to conversations – not just to create new customers but to ensure long-term brand loyalty. 

7. Leverage partnerships to expand your audience. 

Did you know there’s another excellent way to make the most out of your connections? And that’s leveraging partnerships. Whether with influencers or other organizations, the creative ways you decide to brand together are mutually beneficial in exchanging audiences and giving those audiences something worthwhile. When you get another brand to mention your company, it’s a new set of eyes on you! 

8. Collect data, study, learn, repeat! 

As with any industry, we can’t learn if we don’t have data on our performance. Take advantage of Twitter’s analytics to study who is engaging with you, memorize the most popular times for engagement and look at plenty of additional helpful key data points. Use this valuable information to improve your tweets and interactions in the future. 

Pave your way to a successful social selling future on Twitter … 

You probably agree that the tips we gave you aren’t quantum physics. So take some time to optimize your Twitter approach to truly get the most out of your account.  

You have 280 characters available to you at any time of day to help increase your social selling – so don’t be shy, but tweet your way to success! 

Have you already been busy (and successful) on Twitter? What’s one way you learned to improve your social selling? We can’t wait to hear your story in the comments. 

Photo by Brett Jordan on Pexels, Jorge Urosa on Pexels, on Pexels and Karolina Grabowska on Pexels