The role of employee advocacy in B2B social selling and how to implement it

The role of employee advocacy in B2B social selling and how to implement it

By Ready For Social | Mar 18, 2024

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In a business landscape where traditional advertising and corporate messaging are met with growing skepticism, innovative strategies become increasingly essential to expanding their reach and influence. As consumers demand authenticity and value from the content they consume, businesses are forced to adapt their approaches to social selling.

Businesses, while trying to overcome these obstacles, have started to approach social selling with authenticity at the forefront. One powerful method of gaining momentum is employee advocacy in social selling. As social media becomes an integral part of business interactions, harnessing the collective power of employees to advocate for a brand is proving to be a game-changer. 

In this article, you will  

  • learn what employee advocacy is exactly.
  • explore the pivotal role of employee advocacy in B2B social selling.
  • get insights on how to effectively implement it for maximum impact. 
  • Find out how to overcome possible obstacles.

Understanding employee advocacy in B2B social selling 

Employee advocacy involves employees actively promoting and sharing their company’s brand, products, or services on their personal social media channels. In all fields, especially B2B, people don’t buy from brands— they buy from people. In some cases, employees have gained 10x more followers than their business page. 

Audiences want personal, human experiences instead of flashy advertising, and employees mixing branding with their personal content allows the blend between advertising and relatable content.

In the B2B context, employee advocacy translates to leveraging the professional networks of employees to amplify the brand’s reach and credibility. It goes beyond traditional marketing efforts and taps into the authenticity and influence that employees inherently possess. 

  1. Building trust and credibility

One of the primary benefits of employee advocacy in B2B social selling is the establishment of trust and credibility. In an era where consumers are inundated with marketing messages, the authentic voice of employees resonates strongly. When employees share insights, industry trends, or success stories, it adds an individualized touch to the brand, making it more relatable and trustworthy. 

2. Expanding reach and visibility 

Employees collectively have a vast network of connections on various social platforms. Leveraging this network allows businesses to extend their reach far beyond what traditional marketing efforts can achieve. Each share, like, or comment from an employee has the potential to reach a new audience, thereby increasing brand visibility and awareness. 

3. Humanizing the brand 

In the B2B landscape, where transactions often involve complex decision-making processes, humanizing the brand becomes crucial. Employee advocacy humanizes the brand by putting a face to the company. It highlights the individuals behind the products or services, making the brand more approachable and fostering a sense of connection with the audience. 

Key elements of successful employee advocacy in B2B social selling 

Implementing employee advocacy in B2B social selling requires a strategic approach. Below are crucial elements to consider for a successful implementation: 

  1. Clear communication and guidelines 

To ensure a cohesive and aligned advocacy effort, it is imperative to provide clear communication and guidelines to employees. This includes educating them on the company’s values, messaging, and goals. Additionally, clear instructions on what can and cannot be shared should be outlined to prevent any inadvertent misuse of social media platforms. 

2. Training and skill development 

Not all employees may be well-versed in the art of social selling. Providing training sessions on effective social media practices, content creation, and engagement can empower employees to be more confident advocates. Skill development initiatives contribute to the overall success of the advocacy program. 

3. Recognition and incentives 

Recognizing and rewarding employees for their advocacy efforts is a powerful motivator. Whether through public acknowledgment, internal recognition programs, or tangible incentives, acknowledging employees’ contributions reinforces the value of their advocacy and encourages sustained participation. 

4. Monitoring and analytics 

To gauge the impact of employee advocacy, businesses need to implement monitoring and analytics tools. Tracking metrics such as reach, engagement, and lead generation can provide valuable insights into the advocacy program’s effectiveness. This data can be used to refine strategies and maximize results. 

Realizing the benefits 

There are many tangible benefits to employee advocacy, but there are also many factors, such as training and tools, that need to be utilized to achieve optimal results. To achieve the best ROI from this, launch an employee advocacy program with the following key components: 

  • Clear communication: There are many ways to facilitate clear communication, including internal workshops to communicate the program’s objectives, guidelines, and the importance of employee advocacy in strengthening the brand. 
  • Training sessions: Throwing your employees into social media without training is like participating in a tournament without knowing how to play the sport. Implementing organized training sessions on effective social media practices encourages employees to showcase their expertise, share industry insights, and engage with their networks. 
  • Recognition program: Make sure to reward your employees—they’re becoming the face of the business, after all! Create an engaging recognition program that highlights top advocates each month. Recognized employees receive certificates, internal shout-outs, and small incentives, creating a sense of achievement. 
  • Monitoring tools: Invest in analytics tools to track the impact of your advocacy program. Regularly analyzing metrics such as reach, engagement, and lead generation to measure your program’s success is critical. As a result of these efforts, you can expect a significant boost in its B2B social selling effectiveness: 
  • Increased reach: Employee advocacy leads to a substantial increase in the company’s social media reach. The combined network of employees results in a broader audience, attracting potential clients and partners. 
  • Improved credibility: By sharing valuable content and industry insights, employees position your company as an authority in the tech sector. This enhanced credibility contributes to a positive perception among the target audience. 
  • Lead generation: The advocacy program plays a pivotal role in lead generation. Engaged prospects influenced by employee advocacy are more likely to convert into clients. 
  • Enhanced employee morale: The recognition program and positive feedback from the advocacy efforts contribute to heightened employee morale. Employees will feel proud to be ambassadors for their company. 

Challenges and mitigations 

While employee advocacy in B2B social selling offers numerous benefits, it is not without its challenges. Recognizing and addressing these challenges is essential for the sustained success of an advocacy program. 

  • Ensuring consistency: It can be challenging to maintain consistency in messaging and content across a diverse group of advocates. To address this, businesses should provide comprehensive guidelines and regularly communicate updates to ensure alignment. 
  • Balancing personal and professional: Employees may feel uneasy about blurring the lines between their personal and professional lives on social media. Companies should emphasize the importance of authenticity and encourage employees to share their unique perspectives while staying within defined boundaries. 
  • Measuring ROI: Quantifying the return on investment (ROI) of employee advocacy efforts can be complex. However, implementing robust analytics tools and correlating advocacy activities with key performance indicators (KPIs) can provide valuable insights into the program’s impact. 


Employee advocacy clearly stands out as a potent strategy for enhancing social selling efforts. By leveraging the authentic voices of employees, businesses can build trust, expand their reach, and humanize their brand. Successful implementation requires a strategic approach encompassing clear communication, training, recognition, and robust monitoring. Through a well-executed employee advocacy program, businesses can navigate the challenges of B2B social selling and unlock the full potential of their most valuable asset—their employees.