Marketers make posting fast and easy with Ready For Social by executing the 3 C’s: Consistency, Control, and Compliance

Marketers make posting fast and easy with Ready For Social by executing the 3 C’s: Consistency, Control, and Compliance

By Ready For Social | Sep 23, 2024

One of a kind: ReadyForSocial™ ist das einzige All-in-One Programm, mit dem Ihr Vertriebsteam das volle Potenzial sozialer Medien ausschöpfen kann.

We all know that social media is no longer a “nice to have” in today’s rapidly evolving B2B landscape—it’s an essential part of every sales and marketing strategy. A practical and structured social media presence is paramount as businesses increasingly leverage platforms like LinkedIn-Gruppen to build relationships, grow thought leadership, and engage with prospects.

B2B marketers know social media is critical to lead generation. However, social media management is complicated and time-consuming. Meanwhile, salespeople remain inconsistent with what they say and do online.

Our CEO, Sander Biehn, understood the problem years ago and created a clever solution to equip businesses with technology to make their lives easier and the selling process much more effective.

“When we first built RFS in 2018, many marketers and sellers were just getting educated to the fact that social media drove a significant number of their leads,” he said. “So, at the time, we introduced the term ‘social selling ‘ to describe what we did.”

How Ready For Social has evolved

However, as the social media landscape for B2B has evolved, so has our approach. While social selling was once at the core of Ready For Social, the true value now lies in fostering lead-generating conversations. We execute in unlocking the potential of the connections the sales team has today in LinkedIn to turn them into leads and referrals.

“These days, social media is pivotal to success, but creating social media posts that drive engagement and lead-generating conversations is much more indicative of the need that B2B marketers and sellers have,” Biehn explains.

It’s not just about sharing content but creating meaningful interactions that position users as thought leaders in their industries. Today, B2B marketers and sellers seek more than just visibility—they need engagement that translates into leads. Ready For Social empowers users to craft posts that spark those pivotal conversations, driving tangible business outcomes beyond the traditional scope of social selling.

Our software platform is now designed to help sales and marketing teams optimize their social selling strategies by following what we call the 3 C’s approach: Consistency in Sharing, Control of Messaging, and Compliance with Corporate Guidelines. These three pillars empower sales users and marketing customers to engage their audiences effectively and ensure brand alignment across all channels.

Consistency in sharing: Creating thought leadership and conversations

One of the most significant challenges sales teams face is maintaining a consistent social media presence. In today’s fast-paced digital world, regularly engaging with prospects through insightful, thought-provoking content is critical to staying top-of-mind.

Ready For Social makes it easy for sales users to share relevant content consistently, ensuring they’re not just present but active on social media. By using a combination of AI-powered automation and human oversight, the platform ensures that salespeople share content that resonates with their audience—without spending hours crafting each post. The result is the creation of thought leadership, fostering meaningful conversations that drive leads and boost credibility.

Control of messaging: Aligning sales and marketing

For marketing teams, one of the most significant advantages of Ready For Social is complete control over the messaging. As Biehn explains, “Ready For Social broadcasts a clear and consistent corporate message leveraging the social media channels of the sales users.” While social media engagement happens on a personal level, maintaining a unified brand voice across all sales representatives is critical to building a consistent, trustworthy image.

Ready For Social allows marketing teams to pre-approve content that sales users can share, ensuring alignment with the overall strategy and corporate messaging. This step prevents the risk of off-brand posts, reduces the margin for error, and helps ensure that every communication fits within the company’s broader marketing narrative.

Compliance with corporate guidelines: Protecting the brand

Another key feature of Ready For Social is ensuring compliance with corporate guidelines. In regulated industries or large organizations, all public-facing communications must adhere to strict standards. Unregulated or unsanctioned posts from individual salespeople can jeopardize a brand’s reputation or even lead to legal repercussions.

With Ready For Social, marketing teams can ensure that all social media posts from sales representatives comply with corporate policies. “Our platform broadcasts a clear corporate message by leveraging the personal social media of the salespeople, controlling their messages,

supporting consistent posting, and maintaining compliance with corporate

guidelines,” Biehn says. “We generate LinkedIn-Gruppen posts based on a pre-defined strategy.” This level of control gives marketers peace of mind, knowing that their brand is being represented accurately and effectively.

Once social copies are generated based on the client’s pre-defined strategy, they are automated for sharing, guaranteeing no unauthorized content slips through. This level of compliance protects the company’s image and builds greater trust among audiences who can rely on consistent, professional communication.

How Ready For Social empowers sales and marketing teams

At its core, Ready For Social bridges the gap between sales and marketing, providing tools that benefit both departments.

For sales users, RFS removes the burden of crafting and sharing content, enabling them to focus on what they do best: building relationships and closing deals. They can engage with their audience effortlessly with posts designed to spark interest and encourage lead-generating conversations.

For marketing teams, RFS offers a seamless way to maintain brand consistency, control, and compliance across the entire organization. The AI-driven approach, coupled with human oversight, ensures that all content shared by sales teams aligns with the company’s messaging and goals.

As Biehn puts it, “We use AI backstopped by our human team to create customer posts based on their unique strategy. Posts are then approved by marketing customers and automated for sharing by our sales users. We capture analytics to determine success.” By incorporating a blend of automation and strategic oversight, Ready For Social ensures that companies can operate efficiently without sacrificing quality.

Transforming social media into a lead-generating machine

Social media is the new battleground for B2B marketing and sales. Ready For Social helps businesses stay competitive and stand out by making social selling simpler, more effective, and easier to manage. By prioritizing consistency, control, and compliance, our platform empowers sales and marketing teams to work in unison, transforming social media platforms into powerful lead-generating tools.

Ready For Social makes it effortless for organizations to maintain a consistent presence, protect their brand, and foster meaningful engagements—ultimately driving the conversations that lead to sales. As we continue to innovate, we remain committed to helping businesses harness the full power of social media, both now and in the future.